Are You Getting Sick A Lot in Maui?

Are you getting sick a lot? Colds, flus, and bugs always taking over your system? Do you seem like you're taking more antibiotics every month? Do you have low energy, maybe you're starting to have some skin problems like rashes or eczema. Maybe you have memory issues, feeling like you have brain fog or the beginning stages of Alzheimer's. Do you have attention difficulties, i.e ADD, ADHD or other problems focusing. Maybe you feel like you're getting arthritis. Do you have asthma or struggle with breathing problems or a chronic cough? All these different ailments could be related to two things. Contact our Maui chiropractors today to learn more.
What Could My Illness Be Related To In Maui?
Number one, A deficiency of vitamin A, also called Retinol, which is acquired and absorbed best when derived from animal products. Plant sources of vitamin A are called beta carotene which usually comes from darker leafy green vegetables. If you're trying to get all of your vitamin A from plants only, you will probably end up with a long term deficiency, because you're only absorbing 3-5%.
The second reason you may be experiencing these issues is subluxation (bone) misalignments in the neck directly affecting the functioning of the nerves. You may never know the root cause of your problems unless you get Tested. Going on hopes and whims will not get you very far. Don't guess on your health, get Tested.
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
*Telemedicine & Coaching Appointments
8:30am - 16:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 4:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
*Emergencies by Appointment
Hawaii Holistic Health Network, LLC
335 Hoohana St. Unit F
Kahului, HI 96732